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Varroa Easy Check

The first 3 in 1 varroa monitoring tool

Alcohol wash, sugar roll, CO2 injection,...

all these methods are now in the same tool !

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About Varroa EasyCheck

Véto-pharma, a french company, developed "Varroa EasyCheck" in 2016. The VEC, as we often call it, gives you a quick, easy, and reliable count of your varroa mites. This robust tool with an excellent price-quality ratio, will become your best friend when it comes to mite monitoring!

Varroa Easy Check

Choose the best monitoring method according to your preference

Alcohol Wash

Alcohol wash

This method consists of immersing a sample of bees into alcohol and then gently shaking the EasyCheck to detach the phoretic mites so they can be counted. This method leads to the loss of the sample, but it is the most consistent in terms of delivering accurate results. It has been recognized as the most accurate, reliable, and economical option for beekeepers.

Sugar Roll

Sugar roll

With this method, the bees are gently rolled with powdered sugar, causing the mites to separate from the bees. The EasyCheck is then gently shaken, causing the sugar and the mites to pass through the white basket’s holes. It keeps the sample of bees alive, but will be a bit less effective to separate the mites than an alcohol wash.

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CO2 injection

In the CO2 method, both bees and mites are rendered unconscious by exposure to carbon dioxide gas. The sample of anesthetized bees is then gently shaken in the EasyCheck, causing the mites to fall from the bees and pass through the white basket’s holes. Research conducted in Europe indicates results that are similar in accuracy to those obtained by an alcohol wash.

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Guide Varroa Vetopharma

Check out our guide that describes the detrimental effects of varroa mite infestations, outlines treatment techniques and restrictions, and educates about monitoring as a means of managing mite populations over the long term.

Varroa Guide

White paper

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©2020 par Véto-pharma


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